A proper portfolio site is under construction!To stay up to date please follow me
on Twitch and Blue Sky.



The character

Tosuke was created based off of a model that the artist bought and accessorized on the game Second Life. Their species is that of a Spotted Hyena, based off of the species that the artist most indentified with due to their own laughing fits. The coloring is based off of the scheme of inverting the general base coat and the spots to be the colors of one another and then further tweaked over the years.Tosuke theirself is a magical being. They are insanity itself, and thus bend reality as such. They can appear in a myriad of shapes and sizes, never really retaining one exact form for long, however they always maintain their signature hyena-like appearance. Sometimes, though, their spots decide to go awol.

Tosuke is a Spotted Hyena
They do not identify with any particular gender,
but most often appear female or genderless.

The Artist

Tosuke is a character designer by trade. They grew up doodling and designing all sorts of characters and during Highschool their dream job was to eventually be able to work on character designs for video games. Unfortunately, due to money constraints they weren't able to follow that dream, however that doesn't stop them from continuing to draw as a favorite pass time, and even to earn a little money on the side when possible.Tosuke is a textbook definition of weeb. While you won't see them Naruto Running to the next con, they do own at least one sword from Bleach, a good couple dozen manga, at least one whole cosplay, and a few anime on DVD. They prefer reading the manga to watching the anime, but if they do watch the anime they prefer to watch it subbed vs dubbed. This is mostly because of differences they've noticed in a lot of English dubs lately that have been severely discouraging to them. Season 3 of Boku no Hero Academia specifically being the final straw. There are still some things they will watch dub, but that's mostly because they've seen it so many times that they play it for background noise and the sub would distract them.Tosuke also likes to play a wide variety of games including, but not limited to, Hollow Knight, Dark Souls, Nioh, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Starbound, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon (now story of seasons), FF14, Phasmophobia, Rimworld, and many more. They used to stream a lot, and sometimes still do, but struggle to find the motivation to hit the 'go live' button a lot these days.Tosuke in general is a really nice person. While they have been made aware of an issue where they seem to come off as very rude to people, they don't typically mean any harm. They do swear like a sailor though when at home, so that probably doesn't help. They are generally really friendly though and love talking to people most days.

Tosuke doesn't care what pronouns you use for them.
As long as you use he/him, she/her, or they/them.
Tosuke's birthday is 08/18/1994Tosuke has both ADHD and Depression so their
memory is very shoddy, please bear with them.
Tosuke does not feel comfortable interacting with minors, sorry.

The Name Origin

Tosuke isn't the name of a character in an anime. It's not derived from Sasuke Uchiha or Sousuke Aizen. Rather it was a nickname given to them based off of the rearrangement of another name they had been using at the time. At the time Tosuke was, and very much still is, a huge fan of the anime Bleach. The name they had chosen at the time was Hikotsu, which is part of the name of an attack by the character Renji Abarai. A friend of their's on a Code Lyoko forum rearranged the letters in the name, added a couple and deleted a couple, and started calling them Tosuke. Needless to say, the name stuck.


Terms of Conduct

Upon contacting the Artist you agree that you will conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times.At no time will you engage in any acts of harassment, this includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, discrimination of interests, the use of slurs in regarding to these discriminations.You MAY request status updates regarding your commission. You MAY NOT request status updates more than twice within a 24 hr period of time, and no more than FOUR times within ONE WEEK. If the Artist is currently working on your request they will be in constant contact with you at that time so behavior of this kind will never be required nor permitted.You MAY NOT contact the Artists friends and loved ones regarding the status of a commission. All such communication must be done with the artist ONLY via previously agreed upon communication methods, such as the Artist’s e-mail.You will receive one warning. If the Artist has to give you multiple warnings the Artist may cancel the commission and a refund will be given should any payments have been received.


All communication done with the Artist will be done so via e-mail ([email protected]). Any communication done outside of this will be ignored in regards to the commission.Upon initiation of contact, the Client is agreeing to the timely return of communications received. If the Artist receives no response within 48 hours of communication attempts the Artist reserves the right to the refusal of the request and any work done previously may be repurposed.If payment has been received and the Client does not respond to communication attempts within one (1) week time, the Artist reserves the right to the termination of the request and all work done may be repurposed. At this time a refund may be done in accordance with the Refund Policy stated in this contract.If at any time the Client will be unable to respond for an extended period of time, it is the Client’s responsibility to notify the Artist before such a period occurs. At such time work on the Client’s request may be paused so the Artist may work on other requests. If the Client has given the Artist a timeframe upon which they should be available for contact again, but will not be, it is also the Client’s responsibility to notify the Artist of such events.If the Artist is not be able to contact the Client for more than three (3) months, the Artist reserves the right to refuse the Client’s request, all work may be repurposed, and any Payments received may be refunded in accordance with the Refund Policy stated within this Contract.


All personal information exchanged will not be shared nor sold to any third parties. This includes private messages, SMS, e-mails, screenshots, audio, video, and any other such material. Contact information, current and future, may be saved by the Artist for future reference, however will never be shared with a third party and may be deleted per request of the Client who the information pertains to. This excludes comments posted to social media, group chats, stream chat, or any other publicly accessible locations.Any attempts by a third party to contact the Artist regarding a commission or contact information of a Client will be recorded and sent to the Client in question.

Reservation of Rights

The Artist retains the right to display all work produced via social media, portfolio, and otherwise. Should the Client prefer otherwise will require the payment of additional fees up to an additional 150% of the total cost of the work.The Client WILL NOT sell copies of the Artist’s work nor use it in other mediums.The Artist WILL NOT sell copies of the Client’s commission without consent.All Characters are property of their respective owners.


A (50% of the total) payment for starting work is due upon the acceptance of the commission, and will be sent via Paypal Invoice. Final Payment is due within 7 days of receiving the final preview and only upon receipt of the Final Payment will the Artist send the file information for the final piece.Character Reference Sheets require 100% payment up front. This is due to how long a Reference Sheet takes to make, barring the Artist from working on other commissions.

Cancellations and Refunds

Upon the cancellation of a commission the Client understands that the payment for starting work will only be refunded depending on how much progress has been made on the commission. If no progress has been made the Client will be issued a full refund, should the Artist be already in the line art phase, the starting payment will not be refunded.

Right to Refusal

The Artist reserves the right to refuse any request made of her at any time. This includes but is not limited to, requests that make her uncomfortable, requests to make massive changes in the work itself once past the line art phase (such as completely changing scenery, or making a drastic change in characters present).

Promise to Provide Informaiton

By commissioning the Artist, you are making a promise to provide her with as much detail as is possible so she may complete your request in a timely and efficient manner. You promise you will provide her with all necessary information up front and all information requested more of you in a timely manner (within 72 hours). Failure to do so may result in your request being declined.


Please note all prices listed below are in us dollars

Portrait Prices

Typesketchink brush linesanime style linessimple shadingepic shading
Bust, Avatar, or Icon20.0030.0035.00+15.00+30.00
Waist Up30.0045.0050.00+20.00+40.00

Extra Character(s)

Typesketchink brush linesanime style linessimple shadingepic shading
Head shot, Avatar, or Icon+20.00+25.00+30.00+10.00+20.00
Waist Up+30.00+40.00+45.00+15.00+30.00

The price of your commission may vary depending on what you'd like. Various addons can change the price of your commission. Such as adding limbs for spiderfolk or taurs, or adding detailed backgrounds. Please keep this in mind when you contact the artist.A list of addon prices will be generated over time.

Character Design Prices

TypeBase PriceFlat ColorSimple ShadingEpic Shading
Artist Choice Lines65.00+15.00+20.00+40.00
Ink Brush Lines70.00+15.00+20.00+40.00
Anime Style Lines75.00+15.00+20.00+40.00

All character designs will automatically be done as a full body. Upon commissioning a character design the Artist expects you to have a detailed description of the character ready. Be warned that certain features may increase the price of the commission.Included in the base price of this commission type is a full body image that includes one set of arms, one set of legs, and a single tail. If you wish to add any additional features, such as wings, more arms, etc.... please head to the extras section below.

Reference Sheet Prices

basehave previous existing art of the character and just need a ref made, this option is for you100.00
character designuse this option when you need to have the character designed from scratch with no pre existing art150.00
+comprehensive extrastattoos, weapons, anything special extra that you may need added to the reference sheet+15.00 per
+ intricate comprehensive extrasguns, cars, anything special extra that you may need added to the reference sheet that's extremely detailed+25.00 per
+headshot w/ mawadd a headshot view with an open maw+25.00
+headshot w/o mawadd a headshot view+20.00
+extra outfitadd a copied view of the base with an outfit added on top+25.00

Please be aware that prices may vary depending on the level of detail requested. Everything does start at the indicated values, but can go up in price.

Twitch Services

Emotes5.00 each35.00 each
Stickersn/a45.00 Each

Please note I do not currently have anything that is premade, but when I do they will be shown below here.

PNGtuber Services

TypesBase PricePer Emote
Ink Brush100+20
Anime Lines125+25
Complex Ink150+25
Complex Anime175+25

All PNGtubers will be lined, colored, and shaded.Emotes are extra emotions you can switch to mid stream. Best used with something like veadotube mini and streamdeck.Complex means there is so much detail in the image that it takes me an excessive amount of time to line it alone, not to mention coloring.


extra limbsspiders, taurs, wings, etc...+10.00*
Background PropTable? Chair? Piano? It's a single prop that is as complex or simple as you would like.+5.00**
Simple Backgroundsimple drop shadow and a pattern, one background prop included+25.00**
Detailed BackgroundYour imagination is the limit. This does also include background props.+55.00**
Simple ArmorLike maybe a pauldron, or simple chain mail, nothing too detailed.+15.00
Intricate ArmorYou're thinking decorative, ornate, and fancy. Includes three pieces to start (both legs/arms count as one each).+30.00**
Extra OutfitA copy pasta view with a different outfit+25.00**

*Price works in sets of two. For every additional limb past the default amount of allotted limbs, please be prepared to pay an extra fee. This price can also vary depending on complexity of the image. Meaning if the pose is super simple or the four additional wings are super simple, then the price may be adjusted accordingly.**Price varies depending on the level of detail you would like. It always starts at the listed base price and increases based on how long the artist expects it to take.Remember all prices shown are per number of the item you would wish to add. While the price may vary per the level of detail you would like, please do keep in mind that depending on the level of detail and how many of the item you would like the price can jump quite high.

Things I won't Draw

The list below are things that generally just make the Artist uncomfortable. They are things that the Artist will not draw no matter how much they are paid, so please don't try to push the issue.Please note, this list is always changing as the Artist discovers new things that they don't particularly feel comfortable with, or as they slowly become comfortable with the material. Please check this list before commissioning the Artist.

  • Extreme Obesity (scrolls FA's front page, you'll know what I mean)

  • Sex Scenes (this may change in the future, but I'm not comfortable with drawing NSFW art in general yet)

  • Realistic Insects (hollow knight like style is fine)

  • Excessive horror or gore (feel free to talk to me about horror and gore, I'll let you know when it's too much)

Contact Information

Communications regarding commissions may be done via the Instant Messenger (such as discord) or via Email. All information regarding the commission shall be collected and retained by the artist.

Commission Form

The Artist is currently reworking the commission submission process, if you're interested in a commission, please feel free to shoot them an email in the meantime.

For any requests outside of the forms provided above, please direct all of your inquiries to Tosuke via either Email or Discord.All Emails will be sent to [email protected]!